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Another thing to consider is that your wording implies an underlying assumption that often goes unquestioned and unexamined; namely that there is but one singular “theory of reincarnation”. One must first unpack everything that is loaded into the phrase “the theory of reincarnation”. What, exactly, is “THE theory”? It is often assumed that when people speak of reincarnation they are referring to the idea that there is a soul which exists independently of the body, and that this soul basically “dons a body” the way that you would put on a suit of clothing, discards it at the end of a lifetime and then dons another in succession. This also often carries the assumption that the soul itself is a separate and distinct entity from other souls, as if there is still an individual “self” that moves from lifetime to lifetime. This assumption itself is not confirmed in the evidence that Dr. Stevenson’s research indicates.

There are several other ways of explaining his research, however. It could be understood that consciousness is a non-local phenomenon, for example. In other words, that consciousness, far from being a unique product of the brain, is rather an omni-present phenomenon and that the brain itself is a receiver/transmitter device that interacts with consciousness and is “tuned in” to a range of specific frequencies that exist on a presumably infinite spectrum, somewhat like a radio.In addition, it could be understood that time and space are, as Einstein and subsequent scientists have repeatedly suggested, relative to the instrument that experiences them rather than being fixed and independently existing phenomenon. In other words, that it is through the body and it’s various sense instruments and organisms that we experience, but consciousness itself is the experiencer & observer of the experience.

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