Dunkin’ Donuts label Horror Halloween shirt

Not a trace. First off the Constitution which is the highest law of the land protects gun ownership and the statement was unequivocal and strongly pronounced that the government should not interfere with the right to bear arms. The lame excuse that the founders meant the militia holds no water as ALL able bodied men were expected to serve in the militia in that time. Thus all able bodied people ARE the militia. The colonists didn’t have a standing army, often didn’t even have any full time law enforcement. Many Americans lived on the frontier and in that day and age the only people exempted from military service were the super wealthy who served as officers anyway, and those incapable. There was no conscientious objector, no draft dodging. If that area was attacked every able bodied man was expected to fall out and fight.
Militia is independent of the government, of the people and an expression of self determination. That is the key. Self determination. I do not just want, I demand the ability to have the final say when it comes to my fate and the only way you can take it from me is to kill me, and in that I still had the final say. As for law abiding, I’m not even that picky. Maybe the NRA is, but we gun owners dictate to the NRA. The way I see it, remove the causes and incentives for crime and crime goes down to next too nothing. Sure there’ll always be some crime, but if you go after the why you can dramatically reduce rates. No throwing money at crime ridden neighborhoods is not going to solve anything, in fact it just makes it worse. A whole new class of criminals have arisen like Jessie Jackson who profiteer on such efforts. Little of the money actually filters down through their greedy hands and the effort provides them with a vested interest to perpetuate the poverty, crime and misery. A vested interest they protect quite dearly.

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